Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bahasa Orang Kantoran

Singkatan dari As Soon As Possible, biasanya dipakai oleh atasan yang minta laporan dari bawahannya. Paling males dapet email yang subjectnya ASAP pake huruf gede. Biasanya laporan ini sifatnya dadakan bgt. Celakanya, bagi bawahan, laporan inilah yg biasanya paling lama dicuekin, alias gak diduga2 kalo sewaktu2 bos minta, walhasil..JEBRET! Lembur sampe pagi!.

Kata sakti yang biasanya dipakai untuk menjelaskan sesuatu di masa depan yang kurang jelas menjadi lebih gak jelas. Apalagi kalo dalam suasana meeting yang udah sangat gak produktif dan super ngebosenin, kalo bisa semua keputusan bersifat tentative. Yang penting cepet pulang.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Are You a Mental Deficiency? :)

A noted psychiatrist was a guest speaker at an academic function where Nancy Pelosi happened to appear. Ms Pelosi took the opportunity to schmooze the good doctor a bit and asked him a question with which he was most at ease.

'Would you mind telling me, Doctor,' she asked, 'how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?'

'Nothing is easier,' he replied. 'You ask a simple question which anyone should answer with no trouble. If the person hesitates, that puts you on the track.'

'What sort of question?' asked Pelosi.

The Old Fridge

Some guy bought a new fridge for his house.

To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: 'Free to good home. You want it, you take it...'

For three days the fridge sat there without anyone looking twice.

He eventually decided that people were too mistrustful of this deal.

So he changed the sign to read: 'Fridge for sale $50.'

The next day someone stole it!